IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón visited Taiwan, China on 9-12 January 2019. In a series of speeches and meetings, she shared the message that libraries can be motors of change, and discussed how IFLA and the library field can become more inclusive and effective.Glòria Pérez-Salmerón delivers a speech at the National Central Library, Taiwan, China

IFLA has a mission to raise awareness of the importance of high-quality library services for communities, and to help the profession deliver on its promise. Key to both of these are an engaged, inclusive and united library field.

IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón’s visit to Taiwan, China, on 9-12 January 2019 provided an opportunity to make progress on all of these goals.  

Taiwan, China is already lucky to have thriving and diverse library field, from the National Central Library in Taipei, and major public library networks, to temple, village and mobile libraries across the island. Some are involved in international partnerships, and of course are members of IFLA.Glòria Pérez-Salmerón visits a bookmobile in Taiwan, China, run by a monk

The President was able to visit a variety of these, learning about the excellent work they are doing. She encouraged them to understand the impact they were having on development and wellbeing, using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a framework. In speeches at the National Central Library and Kaohsiung Public Library, she encouraged the audience to get better at articulating this clearly to decision makers.

She also discussed IFLA’s own transformation through the Global Vision process. In consultations with leaders and representatives of the profession, she set out IFLA’s goal to become a more inclusive organisation at the heart of a united global library field.

Other participants welcomed the initiative, and shared their ideas about priorities, needs and opportunities for their own libraries in the future. All agreed on the value of active membership of IFLA as a key means of realising the potential of libraries worldwide.

Thank you to all of the libraries and librarians from Taiwan, China, who helped make the visit such a success.

Glòria Pérez-Salmerón with librarians from Taiwan, China

Read more about IFLA's Global Vision, and our work on libraries and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.