Are you passionate about reading and libraries? Proposals sought for exciting meeting Satellite in Oxford, UK
27 January 2020
IFLA’s Literacy and Reading, Public Libraries, Metropolitan Libraries and Libraries for Children’s and Young Adults Professional Units invite proposals for their Joint Satellite Meeting to be held at the Said Business School, Oxford on the 12th and 13th August 2020 prior to the IFLA WLIC in Dublin.
What role does the library have in supporting an individual’s Reading Journey? This is the question we will address through our exciting programme which will comprise a combination of keynote speakers and targeted papers. The four IFLA Professional Units who are hosting this Satellite meeting are deeply committed to reading, literacy and learning, to supporting IFLA’s Global Vision for Libraries and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We also recognise that libraries need to update their roles in this digital age. To foster this we are seeking innovative examples of wide-ranging reading and literacy initiatives in libraries with transferrable outcomes.
Preference will be given to presentations that will equip participants with ideas and skills that can be applied in their workplace. You can discover more about our Call for Proposals on the WLIC website. The deadline for proposals is 28 February.