Buenos Aires to be World Book Capital 2011
16 June 2009
At a meeting in Paris on 12 June 2009, the Jury of World Book Capital, a jury which includes IPA, IBF, IFLA and UNESCO, appointed Buenos Aires as World Book Capital 2011 for the quality and variety of its application file, widely and enthusiastically supported by all players involved in the book industry (publishers, bookstores and libraries). Last year, the same jury had appointed Ljubljana, Slovenia as World Book Capital 2010. As usual, the program will start on World Book & Copyright Day on 23 April 2011.
The current World Book Capital is Beirut, Lebanon.
Every year, UNESCO convenes delegates from the International Publishers Association, the International Booksellers Federation (IBF) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to grant the title of UNESCO World Book Capital to one city.
The city may hold the title for one designated year, from 23 April (UNESCO World Book Day) until 22 April of the following year. During that year it undertakes to organise and run a larger number of events around books, literature and reading. The programme brings together the local and national book industries and puts books and book culture into the public eye. It attracts sponsorship and extra funding for book related institutions. The programme raises awareness for literacy and reading issues, libraries and books shops and highlights the overall benefits of a lively book culture. The title is also used to promote tourism and draw national and international attention to the literary heritage of a city and nation.
For more information, please see the UNESCO Press Release