Call for nominations to the IFLAPARL Standing Committee
03 December 2018
Nomination forms for elections to the Standing Committee will have been mailed out by IFLA to all paid-up libraries, institutions and members, using the contact names & adresses supplied on the membership form. Please note:
- You can nominate anyone – they do not have to be members of the section or even IFLA. But they do need to be individuals who will actively contribute to the work of the Section and attend Standing Committee meetings at the IFLA Congress.
- You can nominate yourself.
- You have to use the form that was sent to your institution or library.
- You have to obtain the consent of the person you are nominating and they have to complete the online Nominee Consent Form.
- Nomination forms can be sent to IFLA by email, fax or post. They must be submitted to IFLA HQ by 3rd January 2019.
In our current Standing Committee:
Lillian Gassie and Dianne Heriot have both served the maximum of two consecutive terms on the Standing Committee and therefore are not eligible for re-election this year.
Karin Finer, Eduardo Goldstein, Cecilia Izquierdo, Ida Kelemen, Adama Kone, Paola Mandillo, Chama Mfula, Hiroyuki Okuyama, Iain Watt and Steve Wise come to the end of their first term on the Standing Committee this year. They are all eligible for re-election if nominated.
Further information on the nomination and election process can be found on the main IFLA website.