Call for Papers for IFLA Satellite Meeting in Paris, France [August 23, 2014]
09 December 2013
Theme: 15 to 20 year olds reading across the world: Why? Where? How?
Date: August 23, 2014, associated to the 80th Annual IFLA conference in Lyon (August 16-22, 2014)
Venue: Bibliothèque nationale de France (the National Library of France), Paris, France
Organizers: Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section with School Libraries Section.
Places and practices for 15-20 year olds’ reading across the worldWhat reading offerings (printed/digital), for what reading programs around the world, to render reading visible and attractive?
How do all actors, including young people, participate in reading programs around the world?
How to evaluate reading programs for 15-20 year olds?
Complete information about the call for papers is available on the IFLA WLIC 2014 website.