Call for Papers (video or multimedia work) IFLA WLIC 2020 Dublin – The Audiovisual and Multimedia Section joint with Metropolitan Libraries Section
03 February 2020
The IFLA Audiovisual and Multimedia Section and Metropolitan Libraries Section invites interested professionals from any library to submit a short (10 minutes or less) video or multimedia work for the open session to be held during IFLA WLIC in Dublin, Ireland on 15-21 August, 2020, on the theme: “Inspire, Enable, Engage and Connect: Video and Multimedia Productions by and for Libraries and Library Users.”
We are looking for work that embodies IFLA’s 2020 theme: “Inspire, Enable, Engage and Connect.” We seek creative works no more than ten minutes in length that illustrate how libraries, library staff and/or library users inspire, enable, engage and connect with one another.
Deadline for submission of video clips and accompanying abstracts is 15 March 2020
All details about the call are available on the IFLA WLIC 2020 website.
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