Call for papers WLIC 2014 Lyon, off-site session
13 January 2014
The digital age is introducing new reading practices. In this context of deep change in the reading landscape, transmedia could be a means of attracting new readers and developing new reading practices. Transmedia storytelling is done through different media, each of them making distinct contributions to the viewer/user/player’s understanding of the story world. By using different media, different “entry points” are created for young people to become immersed in a story world.
Cultural institutions in every country struggle to attract teenagers and young adults. The transmediatic approach could be a response to young people’s lack of involvement and interest for reading. Transmedia appears like a new language more targeted and adapted to young people’s cultural practices: zapping, diversity of formats and platforms, multitude of cultural forms of expression.
As to children, transmedia can improve and reinforce their cultural practices and enlarge their perspectives to other areas of creation.
Could transmedia be a new means of leading children and young adults to the pleasure of reading, of giving them the opportunity to be actors of the creative collective process?
How can we give or restore a place for reading in their lives with transmedia ?
How can we integrate this new approach on a daily basis in our libraries? How can we build transmedia collections and bridges between different media?
This session intends to study these questions and to produce recommendations useful to practitioners.
More information about the Call of papers from IFLA WLIC website.