Call for Presentations: GOVLIB Session at WLIC 2023 in Rotterdam
12 April 2023
Theme: “Research Data Management in government: how official data can be curated using the principles of research data management”
The IFLA Government Libraries Section (GOVLIB) is seeking proposals for case studies on Research Data Management (RDM) in government, to be presented at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Case studies should reflect how the models of RDM are used in the management of government data in government libraries and related institutions.
The session aims to cover how the principles of RDM apply to the particular circumstances of government data repositories, and also how government knowledge and data managers can facilitate good RDM both within government and more widely. Examples of suitable case studies could include:
- Government support in promoting RDM to academia.
- How good RDM contributes to policy making and information services within government.
- How government information and library services have promoted RDM to internal users.
- Ethical/legal implications of government involvement in RDM. (Initiatives such as the General Data Protection Regulation)
See the full Call on the WLIC 2023 site.