Statistics and Evaluation Section: Call for Presentations / Workshops for upcoming satellite meeting
30 January 2023
The IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section and University of Utrecht Library are seeking presenters for its Satellite Meeting to be held at the University of Utrecht in Utrecht, Netherlands on Thursday, August 17 & Friday 18 2023.
Title of the Satellite Meeting
Demystifying Statistics and Evaluation in Libraries
Program Description and Goals
The goals of the Satellite Meeting are to make statistics and evaluation approachable and contextual, building knowledge in the field for both novice and experienced practitioners.
The sessions of the Satellite Meeting will focus on the statistical collection and evaluation methods in various Library settings that best meet the needs of the organization and its collections, spaces, programs, resources, etc. for decision-making and advocacy.
Themes of the Program
The What, How, Why, and When of Statistics and Evaluation in Libraries:
What: What are examples of statistical analyses or evaluative tools and methods that could be useful in a library setting for strategic decision-making or to support strategic planning or outcome and value reporting?
How: How do you apply innovative statistical and evaluative methodologies for specific services and resources? How do you use data and other evaluative measures to support/make operational decisions?
Why: Many countries and regional or national organizations collect statistics from their member libraries. Why is this comparative information collected and how is it useful for decision-making at the national/regional level and by individual libraries? Why does this work matter?
When: When have you used data, statistics or qualitative measures to help make your case to stakeholders and to garner support for your library? When have you used statistics and evaluation to support advocacy? When was it most successful?
Proposal Submission Guidelines
Interested parties are invited to submit an abstract (maximum 600 words) using Word or a PDF in English for a proposed presentation or workshop around the themes described that includes goals for the presentation/workshop with outcomes for participants (what are the takeaways?). Please note that the premise of this Satellite Meeting is to make statistics and evaluation approachable and contextual, building knowledge in the field for both novice and experienced practitioners and address accordingly. All library types encouraged. We are particularly interested in methodologies that are applicable in various settings as appropriate, and those topics that address value, impact, and sustainability. Each presentation or workshop session will last approximately 50 minutes. Note that attendance of the Satellite Meeting will be capped at 50 persons including presenters, thus ensuring a dynamic and optimal meeting experience for presenters and attendees. There will be no registration costs associated for participants, thanks to the generosity of the Utrecht University Library and sponsors.
PowerPoints and slide decks will be published on the Statistic and Evaluation IFLA website following the Satellite Meeting with the authors’ permission. Papers associated with presentations may be considered for addition into the IFLA Repository
Please submit proposals to: Bella K. Gerlich, PhD email: [email protected] by March 15, 2023.
Proposals will be blind-reviewed / evaluated by the Satellite Program Committee group and successful applicants will be informed by the 1st of April 2023.
Please Note
All expenses, such as travel, and accommodation are the responsibility of the presenters. Letters of invitation can be issued to presenters upon request.
Proposals will be blind reviewed and evaluated based on:
- Alignment with the Satellite Meeting themes
- Adherence to the premise of the Satellite Meeting
- Goals for the presentation/workshop
- Relevance of learning outcomes for participants (what are the takeaways?)
- Potential value, impact, and sustainability of methods/methodologies
- Applicability to a wide and diverse library audience
All submissions must be in English and include the following:
- the title of the proposal
- format, i.e., presentation or workshop and number of presenters, if applicable
- abstract and goals with outcomes (600 words)
- presenter’s name(s)
- brief biographical note (for inclusion on the meeting website, if selected)
- position
- employer
- country
- author/presenter’s email address
- telephone number (primary contact, as applicable)
There will be no hybrid options for this Satellite Meeting.