Call for Proposals: WLIC 2023 ENSULIB Section Program “Libraries as Actors of Climate Empowerment”
25 March 2023
IFLA WLIC Satellite Meeting | 19 August 2023, De Bibliotheek LocHal, Tilburg, Netherlands
The IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section together with the Public Libraries Section in collaboration with De Bibliotheek LocHal are excited to host a satellite conference prior to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2023 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The theme will be “Libraries as Actors of Climate Empowerment”. Libraries can empower all members of society to engage in climate action. They are deeply connected to their communities and can reach people of all demographics. As such, they are in a unique position to provide public awareness and to create platforms for engagement in climate action to all members of society.
At our conference we plan to emphasise exchange and interaction between the participants. Attendees will play an active role, shaping the outcome of the day by coming together, sharing ideas, and developing plans. We are looking for inspiring speakers and lively workshop leaders, who want to share their visions and best practice examples from their libraries to guide librarians to get engaged on sustainability and climate empowerment.
Themes we want to focus on:
“Action for Climate Empowerment” looks at the social aspect of climate action, strengthening the ability of all members of society to engage in climate action through six elements:
- Education
- Training
- Public Awareness
- Public Participation
- Public Access to Information
- International Cooperation
Formats we are looking for:
- Lightning talks: Short presentations (8 minutes/7 slides max.) focusing on the themes above.
- Workshops: Interactive sessions engaging participants in discussion on the themes above.
Please note: The Satellite Meeting is in person only; speakers and workshops leaders need to be present in Tilburg. English will be the language of the conference. All expenses for attending the Satellite Meeting (e.g., travel, accommodation, etc.) are the responsibility of the speaker/workshop leader. No financial support can be provided by IFLA.
Your submission must include:
- Title of proposed workshop / lightning talk
- Select format (workshop / lightning talk) and theme
- Describe your workshop (including proposed duration and method) / lightning talk
(300 words max., description will be published if selected)
- Bio: Who are you? (100 words max., bio will be published if selected)
- Portrait photo with copyright information (picture will be published if selected)
- References, e.g., videos or articles (if available)
- Contact information (Name, country, affiliated institution, email address, telephone number)
- Confirmation that you can attend the Satellite Meeting in person if selected
How to submit?
- Download the submission template, complete it and send by 21 April 2023 to Katharina Portugal ([email protected]).
Submissions will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Originality/Innovation
- Method/Elaboration
- Interest/Engagement
- Impact/Implication
- Regional representation
Important Dates:
- 21 April 2023: Deadline for submission of proposal
- 17 May 2023: Notification of acceptance
- 19 August 2023: Satellite Meeting
IFLA WLIC Satellite Meeting 2023 organised by: Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section and Public Libraries Section
Theme: Libraries as Actors of Climate Empowerment
Date: 19 August 2023 (9am to 5pm)
Venue: De Bibliotheek LocHal, Tilburg, Netherlands