Can the World Take Bold Action Towards a More Sustainable Planet? Share your thoughts!
16 May 2022
Stockholm+50 is a key international environmental meeting coming up on 2-3 June with the theme: “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity”.
The goal of this high-level meeting is to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in this critical Decade of Action. This includes making process towards the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change and integrating sustainable practices in post-COVID-19 recovery plans.
In the leadup to this meeting, you are invited to share your thoughts on the state of the world’s progress towards environmental sustainability.
Take part: Stockholm+50 State of the Planet: Global Public Survey
If you had one minute to speak to world leaders at the Stockholm+50 meeting, what would you say?
Participate in this survey to share feedback on your country’s approach to protecting the environment. You are also invited to provide ideas as to what actions could be taken to accelerate progress and incentivise green sustainable economic growth.
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