***Cancelled*** Satellite meeting ‘International Research in LIS: Challenges and Opportunities’ Call for papers – WLIC 2020 Dublin
30 January 2020
***Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Satellite meeting has been cancelled.***
The Satellite meeting “International Research in LIS: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by LTR section, Social science libraries section and IFLA Journal will take place at the Library of the Trinity College Dublin on 13-14 August 2020. The call for papers deadline is March 7.
- Theory and research paradigms in international and internationally comparative research
- Insights from other international/comparative disciplines
- Methodology for international and internationally comparative research: including choices between quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches
- Comparative method: aspects peculiar to comparative research design and research strategy.
- Ethics in international research
- International research collaboration
- Open research data
Target audience includes post-graduate students, post-doc and other researchers, faculty supervising graduate research, editors of LIS journals, and other interested LIS professionals.
More information about the programme, the call for papers and the avalilability of participation grant are available on WLIC 2020 website.