Common Practices Published in IFLA Repository
22 July 2022
We are delighted to announce that the Common Practices for National Bibliographies in the Digital Age, endorsed by IFLA’s Professional Committee in April, have been made available on the IFLA Repository today:
This is the result of 5 years of work, in 2 main phases, of members of the Bibliography section past and present, whose dedication and expertise got us safely over every hurdle such a project is faced with.
The document on the IFLA repository is available for translations; many thanks to the teams who reached out with translation projects: you can now start your work! Please let us know if you are interested in providing a translation in your language so that resources can be pooled.
As you probably know, we now hope to take a step back and assess the resource as a whole as the first step in a process of continuing, targeted revisions, starting next week during our open session at WLIC 2022 in Dublin, Ireland. We hope you will join us in this endeavor!