Convening Notice for IFLA General Assembly, August 2021 in The Hague, The Netherlands
25 June 2021
IFLA’s General Assembly – the primary opportunity for our Members to take decisions about our Federation – will take place on 25 August 2021 in The Hague, Netherlands. The formal Convening Notice, published today, sets out details about the topics for discussions, and opportunities for participation.
2021 has been a year of significant achievement for IFLA as the organisation moves to implement the changes to its Statutes and structure adopted by members at the Extraordinary General Assembly in February.
We realise that many of you will not be able to be physically present at the General Assembly, and the Dutch Government’s 1.5 meter social distancing rules will be in place until August. This means severe limitations on the number of people that can be accommodated and seated in indoor spaces.
Therefore, we are working to maximise possibilities for as many Members as possible to take part virtually. In particular, we will share information on the process for proxy voting by 7 July, allowing you to ask another Member to cast your vote on your behalf. We will also offer possibilities for all to watch the proceedings.
IFLA’s Members and Affiliates will receive today a copy of the Convening Notice. All IFLA Members that have paid their membership fees for 2021 will eligible to vote. Voting and proxy voting arrangements will be sent to members on 7 July 2021.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 13:30 – 15:30 CEST
- Opening by the Chair
- Appointment of Tellers
- Establishment of a Quorum
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Minutes of the previous meeting, held in Melbourne, Australia 12 February 2021
- In memoriam of those members who have died during the past year
- Presentation of the Report of the President
- Presentation of IFLA’s Annual Report by the Secretary General
- Presentation of the Annual Accounts by the Treasurer
- Formal announcement of the Results of the Ballot for the Election of President-elect and for places on the Governing Board by the Secretary General
- Motions and Resolutions
11.1 Motion to approve the holding of the next General Assembly in July 2022
(Art 8.2 of the Statutes refers) - Address by the President, Christine Mackenzie
- Presentation of Honours and Awards
- Vote of thanks to the outgoing Governing Board
- Introduction of incoming Governing Board
- Address by incoming President, Barbara Lison
- Close of the Assembly
Voting by Proxy*
As it is not expected that many Members will be able to physically attend the 2021 General Assembly, exercising your vote by proxy is more important than ever. All Members who have paid their fees have been sent a proxy form as a document and a unique link to an online form. Both allow each Member to nominate a proxy and to indicate how they would like their proxy to vote on the motions in the Convening Notice.
Members who have not paid their membership fee will be sent the proxy form and link once outstanding fees have been received.
The Proxy form is available in seven languages:
English | Deutsch | Français | Español | Русский | 中文 | العربية
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
25 June 2021
*Voting by proxy information was amended on 7 July 2021