Green book cover with maze: Navigating Copyright for Libraries: Purpose and ScopeIn 2022, the CLM produced the fully open-access book, Navigating Copyright for Libraries: Purpose and Scope – IFLA Publication 181. The book is arranged in four sections with individual chapters authored by world-class experts in copyright and libraries in the international context.

One of the most currently popular volumes in the IFLA ‘green back’ series, we want to inspire the IFLA community to approach the book as a resource for reliable copyright information and education — as a whole volume or in parts. The book was designed as open access to maximize its impact: you can translate, remix, and creatively use the book or its elements in teaching and learning about copyright.

Learn more in the series of short conversations between CLM Chair Melissa Levine and each of the editors, Jessica Coates, Susan Reilly, and Victoria Owen (with chapters from Coates and Owen). The conversations touch on copyright, open access, the publishing process and more.

Consider using chapters as resources for presentations. CLM member Ibrahim Farah featured a chapter at the Lebanese Library Association on May 15. The session addressed, “Initiatives for Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Intellectual Property”. Farah discussed, “Copyright Issues in Digitization: Building a Copyright Review Model and Adopting Standardized Rights Statements,” referencing Chapter 8, Rights Issues in the Digitization of Library Collections by Sara Benson.

How are you using the book? Let us hear from you.

Videos on the IFLA YouTube Channel


The Copyright Listener #1: Introduction to Navigating Copyright for Libraries featuring Susan Reilly


The Copyright Listener #2: The Fundamentals of Modern Copyright featuring Jessica Coates


The Copyright Listener #3: With Respect to Rights in the Public Interest featuring Victoria Owen