Extended Call for Agenda Items: IFLA General Assembly 2020
20 July 2020
IFLA’s General Assembly 2020 will take place on 5 November 2020, in The Hague, The Netherlands. IFLA’s Secretary General Gerald Leitner explains more.
I am pleased to announce that the IFLA General Assembly 2020 is planned to take place on Thursday 5 November 2020 in The Hague.
The closing date for items for inclusion in the agenda – previously set for 11 May – has been extended, and any resolutions from Members should now be submitted by Monday 3 August 2020. Resolutions must be proposed and seconded by authorised representatives of Members, whose names and affiliations must be included. The resolution must clearly express the action recommended to be taken by the Federation. Resolutions must reach the IFLA Secretariat by Monday 3 August 2020. Email: [email protected]
The formal convening notice for the General Assembly 2020 will be published and distributed on Wednesday, 5 August 2020, and will include details of the meeting time and location, the agenda and arrangements for proxy voting. I am aware that many of you will not be able to attend due to restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, and so the General Assembly will be live-streamed for those unable to be there in person.
You will be aware that travel restrictions and lockdowns arising from the Covid-19 pandemic can be imposed at very short notice. However, IFLA is required to hold a General Assembly by law, and so if circumstances prevent the General Assembly from taking place as planned, the meeting will be re-arranged for an alternative date and different venue. Full information will be included in the convening announcement to ensure that sufficient notice is given in line with the Statutes.
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
20 July 2020