Fascinating Facets: Recent Developments in Genre and Form Vocabularies [Webinar]

A webinar titled “Fascinating Facets: Recent Developments in Genre and Form Vocabularies” was conducted on May 19, 2022 by the Subject Analysis and Access Genre/Form Working Group. Ricardo Santos Muñoz reviewed the history of the working group; Casey Mullin discussed the retrospective application of genre/form terms to legacy metadata, and Ryan Hildebrand presented on the ACRL (U.S.) Rare Books and Manuscripts Section’s Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging, with attention to eliminating prejudicial terms.

Ricardo Santos Muñoz, Head of Technical Services, National Library of Spain. The IFLA Genre/Form Working Group, 2013-2022: A History [PPT]

Casey Mullin, Head of Cataloging & Metadata Services, Western Washington University. Iteration, Not Perfection: The “Long Game” of Retrospective Implementation of Faceted Vocabularies [PPT]

Ryan Hildebrand, Special Collections and Authorities Cataloger, University of Oregon. New and Reparative Work in Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging [PPT]