Out Now: March 2024 issue of IFLA Journal
26 April 2024
IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer reviewed articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries.
The Journal publishes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally.
IFLA Journal Volume 50, No.1 (March 2024)
The March 2024 issue of IFLA Journal features articles derived from papers presented at the BOBCATSSS 2023 conference through an editorial process that strove to mentor early career researchers through the writing and peer review process. The articles cover a wide range of topics related to libraries, information science, and accessibility. Several articles focus on making libraries more accessible to people with disabilities, including those with dementia and autism. Others explore the information behavior of specific groups, such as the Terena people of Brazil and religious leaders of the Santo Daime religion. There are also articles that discuss the role of libraries in serving the LGBTQ+ community and in promoting gender equality. Additionally, some articles examine the use of technology in libraries, such as the use of the Semantic Web and the integration of user participation in the organization of digital collections. Overall, the issue provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing libraries in the 21st century.
A new era: Exploring the possibilities and expanding the boundaries 3
Nafiz Zaman Shuva, Jamie Johnston, Petér Murányi and Tania Todorova
In Memoriam
In memoriam: István Papp, a librarian for all seasons 6
Ragnar Audunson
Original Articles
Making libraries accessible: The vision of Access City Award winners 7
Radoslav S. Hristov
Public library services for people with dementia: A study of students’ perceptions 16
Tomislava Žilić and Sanjica Faletar
Multicultural libraries: A study on the information behaviour of the Terena people, Brazil 26
Lilian Aguilar Teixeira, Ana Lúcia Terra, Oswaldo Francisco de Almeida Júnior and Antônio Hilário Aguilera Urquiza
On making libraries and museums more accessible for autistic people 42
Tirill Bjørkeli Svaler
Sexual orientation for the LGBTQþ community: Information sources and barriers 53
Marina Clavijo-Toledano, Laia Heredero-Cardona, Noelia Úbeda-Cano and Juan-José Boté-Vericad
Case Study
The role of users in the organization of digital information: A Portuguese experience in an academic museum and archive setting 64
Patrícia Isabel Silva and Ana Lúcia Terra
Original Article
Towards a STEAM model for digital fluency skills: Perceptions of students and teachers 75
Marina Encheva, Anna Maria Tammaro, Gergana Yancheva, Plamena Zlatkova, Giulia Conti and Mari Maasilta
Case Studies
Cultural heritage on the Semantic Web: The Europeana Data Model 93
Ana Luísa Silva and Ana Lúcia Terra
Original Articles
Prejudice but no pride: The Portuguese Universal Decimal Classification’s labelling of sexual orientation 108
Paulo Vicente, Ana Lúcia Terra, Maria Cristina Vieira de Freitas and Maria Manuela Tavares de Matos Cardoso
A gender perspective in the design of a video-on-demand search engine 118
Lara Díaz Martínez and Davinia Pérez López
Open educational resources on preservation: An overview 138
Marija Milošević, Ines Horvat and Damir Hasenay
Case Studies
Integrating print reference materials, curated digital collections, and information needs 151
Olga Makarova and Katherine Ashcraft
Original Articles
Guidelines on assigning the subjects of theses and dissertations in repositories 160
Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita and Jessica Cristina Panuto
Expanding information behaviour boundaries: A study with religious leaders 170
Evandro Ribeiro Rodrigues and Ana Lúcia Terra
Abstracts 184
IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer reviewed articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries. The Journal publishes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally. IFLA Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
To submit an article please visit IFLA Journal on the SAGE platform.
- Editor: Steven W. Witt
- Frequency: Quarterly
- ISSN: 0340-0352
- eISSN: 1745-2651
- List of previous issues
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