Free IFLA/ALA Webinar: “Big Data: new roles and opportunities for new librarians”: Recording and presentations now available!
24 June 2016
We are happy to share with you the recording and slides of the IFLA/ALA “New Librarians, Global Connection Webinar Series” about “Big Data: new roles and opportunities for new librarians” that took place on June 15th.
Please click here to access the recording in Adobe Connect and find the slides from presentations below (you may click on the titles to access the PDF files):
Introduction to the Webinar by the New Professionals Special Interest Group
“Clothes don’t make people”: New opportunities for the new librarians by Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
Big Data: definition, limitations and examples from everyday life by Dr. Martin Hilbert
Data Visualizations Meet Libraries: New Opportunities by Dr. Michelle Chen
The Library (Big) Data scientist by Wouter Klapwijk
Thank you for your participation and your interest in these materials.
Stay tuned for our next webinars!