From Strategy to Action with IFLA’s Professional Units
24 October 2019
IFLA’s Professional Units are major actors when it comes to inspiring and enhancing professional practice. With their new 2019-2020 Action Plans, the Professional Units will help bring IFLA’s Strategy to life with their work. It’s a powerful start! Our main question now is: how do YOU act in the spirit of IFLA’s Strategy?
A Clear Map of Impact
Since the launch of IFLA’s new Strategy in Athens in August, there has been an incredible amount of planning being done within each of IFLA’s 50+ Professional Units. IFLA’s Professional Units are made up of experts from across the library and information science profession.
The Standing Committees at the heart of each unit have been asked to bring the Strategy to life through projects and activities over the coming year. They have risen to the challenge, and in only a few weeks, have identified specific focus areas where they can make a positive impact through their actions.
In doing so, each Unit has matched these focus areas with at least one of IFLA’s Key Initiatives. This way, we can create a clear map showing how each area of the Strategy is being directly impacted by the work of these dedicated groups!
From the plans we have already received, we are excited to report that each of IFLA’s 16 Key Initiatives are addressed by at least one of the Units’ focus areas. With this, we are well on the way to achieving IFLA’s vision, mission and strategic directions.
Bringing the Strategy to Life
To give an idea of how the Professional Units’ Action Plans will help turn the Strategy into action, here is how the Focus Areas for 2019-2020 will address each Strategic Direction:
- 18% of Focus Areas will impact Strategic Direction #1: STRENGTHEN THE GLOBAL VOICE OF LIBRARIES
- 47% of Focus Areas will impact Strategic Direction #2: INSPIRE AND ENHANCE PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE
- 20% of Focus Areas will impact Strategic Direction #3: CONNECT AND EMPOWER THE FIELD
- 15% of Focus Areas will impact Strategic Direction #4: OPTIMISE OUR ORGANISATION
A Call to Action
Just as the Strategy is built on the contributions of the whole library field, its success clearly depends on individual and collective actions.
IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner highlighted:
It’s such a powerful start! However, this does not stop with the Professional Units. We will be asking institutions and associations to tell us about the inspiring projects that they already do which help achieve our Strategic Directions. Main question now is: how do YOU act in the spirit of IFLA’s Strategy?
Look out for a call coming soon to help you share your stories and add to this map of action that spans the entire IFLA network!