Global Vision Discussion 2018 – IFLAPARL’s Response
28 July 2018
During July 2018, members of the Standing Committee of the Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section discussed how a united library field could tackle the challenges of the future. Together all the participants represented 243 years of library experience.
We built on the results from the previous phase of the conversation last year to gather ideas for actions for IFLA and for our Section that could help to make the Global Vision a reality. The discussions and suggestions reflect a general, as well as a parliamentary perspective. The attached report represents our contribution to IFLA's ideas store of actions.
However, this is only a starting point. Further Global Vision discussions will be going on around the world over the coming months and the results so far will be shared at the World Library and Information Congress in August. In the meantime, have a look at the ideas that have been suggested by the Standing Comnmittee and please feel free to suggest your own ideas to Steve or myself. All ideas are welcome and will provide input to the Section's Action Plan for 2018/19.
Keep up-to-date with news about the IFLA Global Vision discussion by following #iflaGlobalVision and the Global Vision news feed. Be sure to check back in August when the "Ideas Store" platform will be lanuched.