The IFLA 2017 General Assembly will be held today on Wednesday 23 August from 16:15–18:00 and reconvene at the Closing Session on Thursday, 24 August from 16:15–18:00.

The General Assembly is the annual general meeting of IFLA members. At this meeting, the President, Treasurer, and Secretary General will report on IFLA's annual activities and strategic directions.

Have your say!

The General Assembly is the highest governance level of the Federation and its key function is to determine the purposes and values of the Federation as a whole.  That is both a privilege and a responsibility and can only be achieved through Member participation: All IFLA Members or their representatives are entitled to speak at the General Assembly and have a right to vote if quorum is reached.  Voting can’t take place unless quorum is established, so it is crucial that all eligible members (or their sanctioned representatives) who are in Wrocław participate in this session. 

Non-voting members are also encouraged to attend, as it is an opportunity to show IFLA’s commitment to transparency and a “bottom-up” democratic process of governance.  Don’t miss out!


  1. Opening by the President, Donna Scheeder
  2. Appointment of Tellers
  3. Establishment of a Quorum
  4. Adoption of the Agenda
  5. Minutes of the previous meeting, held in Columbus, Ohio, United States of America, 18 and 19 August 2016
  6. In memoriam of those members who have died during the past year
  7. Presentation of the Report of the President
  8. Presentation of IFLA’s Annual Report by the Secretary General
  9. Presentation of the Annual Accounts by the Treasurer
  10. Formal announcement of the results of the Election of President-elect and for places on the Governing Board by the Secretary General
  11. Motions and Resolutions
    11.1 Motion to approve the holding of the next General Assembly in August 2018
    (Art 8.2 of the Statutes refers)
  12. Motion to adjourn and reconvene at 16:15 on Thursday, 24 August 2017

For details on the conduct of the General Assembly, please refer to the IFLA Statutes.