Highlights of the Section Standing Committee meetings in Lyon, August 2014
24 October 2014
NB: The draft of the complete Minutes can be read from Section Minutes of Meetings webpage.
The section has 99 members by now, which is status quo for the last years. We encourage all members to promote the section and its activities and to encourage associations and libraries to become IFLA members and choose our Section as one they wish to be members of.
Nominations for SC members for 2015-2018
The Standing Committee now has 22 members. Normally there are 20 members, but HQ allowed the number of 22 for this period. A member of the Standing Committee can be elected for 4+4 years at the most. Next year there will be elections. Deadline for running to be a committee member is February 10th 2015. If there are more candidates than vacancies, there will be a ballot.
Info Coordinator’s News
See on line our excellent presentations in Singapore. The presentations by Virginia Walter and by Dalia Hamada in one of our sessions at the conference in Singapore were published in IFLA Journal.
We will continue to publish theme editions of the Newsletter. The one on Sport and libraries was very good and has had many positive comments. We will publish other articles (not on the main subject) too.
Next issue will have “Creating content in children’s libraries” as a theme, as a follow up of our session in Lyon. Then we could have “Nonfiction in general” and “library spaces” as following themes.
The Newsletter will no longer be published as a pdf: it will appear in the News section on our IFLA site. In midyear meeting and in Cape Town we will evaluate the new “format”. Ulla explains that "The change in Newsletter is actually more than just a change of format, we're talking about a collection of edited online articles with a specific theme, and not a Newsletter now".
Projects and actions 2014-2015: reports and plans
Social media, children and young people@ the library
We discussed the paper, made a few corrections. The work on these guidelines will continue and they will be adapted into IFLA’s new standards for guidelines.
Sister Libraries
We ask everyone to promote the program in our countries. We have funding from Fagforbundet for two years (2014 and 2015) for coordinating. Their grant will not be renewed after 2015: we must start looking for funds for 2016.
The World through Picture Books
New countries are on line, in a complement to the catalogue, in pdf format: Australia, Québec, Togo, Turkey. Several new lists should arrive soon: Greenland, Hungary, Poland… Hopefully they will be ready to get into the new edition of the catalogue. There is project money for this year, for the new catalogue, for coordination and to produce a list of ideas to use the catalogue.
Revision of Children’s Guidelines
The library services to children have changed a lot over the years and we think we must look at the guidelines with “brand new eyes”.
It is important to ensure participation of as many colleagues as possible, in the revision of the Guidelines. A session in Cape Town would be an excellent way to do this. Ulla suggests the “learning café” style session, with round tables so we can discuss better.
The World through Books for Young People
This future project will be a joint project between Literacy and Reading and our section. We will start with the books, a mix of all books in a list from each country. Then we go on and include strategies for libraries work with young people and activities. We may start with a small number of countries. The target group is librarians and other professionals. A working group will make a consistent draft for a project and the SC will discuss this in midyear meeting in Romania.
Conferences: reports and plans
Cape Town Conference 2015
In 2015 in South Africa the section will have no satellite conference. We will have two onsite sessions and one offsite session.
The themes will be:
1.The preparation of Guidelines for children’s libraries, together with an update of the section’s projects and a celebration of the section’s 60 anniversary: a participative session
2.Partnership – libraries and surprising partnerships. One example can be NaliBali; Finland (Ulla could make an overview on various partnerships in Finland (examples on other European countries too): libraries & NGO's, artists, sport/handicraft/environmental etc. associations.
3.Offsite session at a municipal library, to be organized with PRAESA.
Lyon Declaration
Please see the declaration, spread the information and get as many institutions and organizations to sign it.
Kirsten Boelt
Secretary, IFLA Section Libraries for Chidren and Young Adults