IFLA 2023 Election Results – Message from IFLA President Barbara Lison
01 May 2023
Dear IFLA members, colleagues and our IFLA stakeholders,
With this message IFLA is publishing the results of the elections for positions on the Governing Board and on over 80 different committees. IFLA’s members have elected hundreds of volunteers who will take up their terms of office in August 2023. They join others who are continuing their terms and together form the huge engine that powers the work of IFLA for the global library field. For some committees there will be run-off elections and further appointments to be made in the coming weeks.
While the successful candidates are elected as individuals in their own right, I know that many are supported by their employing institution. For me this is an indication of the recognition of the value of working internationally, of the learning and sharing that takes place when participating in an IFLA committee. It is my theme of ‘libraries building a sustainable future’ in practice.
I would like to congratulate all those who have been elected. You have an important responsibility, over the coming two years, to contribute to our profession and to the Federation. Staff at IFLA HQ have developed transition and induction programmes to help those elected become engaged with their new committee and you’ll hear more about this soon.
With candidates from all areas of the world – many more than there were positions to be filled – there are always some who, unfortunately, are unsuccessful and not elected. I thank them for their engagement and willingness to put themselves forward. I encourage their continued commitment to IFLA and their involvement at a national level as strong library associations are essential for our field.
To the incoming President-elect, Leslie Weir, and elected Governing Board members, you have my warmest wishes as you guide the Federation over the coming two years under the leadership of incoming President, Vicki McDonald. With your depth of experience, I know the Federation will be in good hands.
Kind regards,
Barbara Lison
IFLA President 2021-2023