IFLA BSLISE (Building Strong Library and Information Science Education) International Internship Opportunity
04 September 2021
The BSLISE Working Group of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) is seeking up to three library science and information science (LIS) students to work as interns with BSLISE communication activities, including maintaining its website and social media accounts. This is an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from many countries and a global community. The BSLISE is devoted to strengthening the international quality of LIS education, and as a result, the excellence of LIS professional practice.
The virtual internships last for one semester, with the possibility of extension based on performance and may be coordinated with your home institution. Interns are expected to participate in monthly meetings and provide updates about social media and website activities as well as project updates. They report to the Communications Group of the BSLISE which is responsible for coordinating the intern program. The Communications Group is headed by Dr. Albina Krymskaya, Deputy Dean at St. Petersburg State University of Culture, Russian Federation and Dr. Barbara Marson, Program Director, East Carolina University Library Science Program, Greenville, NC.
Responsibilities include maintenance of the BSLISE internet presence including the website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube channel.
Responsibilities will be divided among the interns. We seek individuals with skills in social media maintenance and possible use of Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Window Snipping, Canva, Adobe Spark, and others as needed.
If you are interested in serving as an intern for either the fall/spring 2021 or spring/fall 2022 semester, please send a letter stating:
- Name & contact information
- LIS program affiliation
- Name of a professor at your institution who will serve as a liaison
- Term available
- Internship interest statement (max 300 words)
- Description of relevant competencies
The deadline for application submissions is September 15, 2021. Email your information to:
Dr. Albina Krymskaya [email protected] and Dr. Barbara Marson [email protected]