IFLA Continues to Engage at the UN Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals
11 July 2014
IFLA attended the 12th meeting of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) in New York June 16-20 . IFLA’s overarching goal during the OWG meetings is to emphasise the importance of access to information for development.
A wide range of civil society groups were present at the meeting. The IFLA delegation at the event, Governing Board members Loida Garcia-Febo and Gerald Leitner, were actively involved in the discussions and side events, ensuring that access to information will remain within the SDGs.
What happened so far
Following the June OWG meeting a new ‘Zero draft’ document was issued. In this draft, access to information can be found in Goal 16 ‘Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice for all, and effective and capable institutions’. Currently, the language of the Zero draft is being discussed and the draft itself will be shortened and tightened up to reach its final form. IFLA’s presence at the OWG meetings tries to ensure that access to information remains in the draft and that the language around this target will be more defined and beneficial in the long run. Furthermore, IFLA is a signatory to the declaration for culture in the SDGs and is supporting the group and its aims.
What is happening next
The next OWG meeting will take place from the 14-18 July 2014. This meeting will look closely again at the language in the Zero draft and will produce a new version for the end of July. IFLA will again be represented and will focus on ensuring the right language for access to information remains in the draft.
You can follow the discussion via #post2015, @post2015 and @loidagarciafebo