IFLA emphasizes the role of access to information in intervention at the UN
26 June 2015
IFLA President-elect, Donna Scheeder participated in the most recent intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda at the United Nations (UN) in New York from 23-25 June 2015. The recently released zero-draft to adopt the post-2015 agenda was discussed, with Member States, Major Groups and representatives from civil society given the opportunity to make specific suggestions on language to be included in the document.
IFLA intervention
During the meeting, IFLA made an intervention on the importance of access to information, stressing its role in facilitating a transparent and transformational development agenda.
IFLA's full response to the zero-draft includes suggested language on access to information, ICT, culture and facilitation of a knowledge and technology platform.
Intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, 6th meeting – General Assembly (24 June 2015)
Intergovernmental negotiations on the outcome document
IFLA President-elect Donna Scheeder starts at 2:26:14
Full text of the IFLA intervention:
I am Donna Scheeder, President-elect of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, the global voice of libraries.
I applaud Switzerland’s recommendation regarding country reviews and the need to have them submitted to a common place for public review.
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) welcomes the Zero Draft and the continuing presence of access to information in the draft. There can be no transparency, accountability or participation without access to information. IFLA encourages the United Nations to further recognize and emphasize the role of access to information and skill to use it as an essential pillar in the transformational agenda for sustainable development.
Access to information is a common principle, as well as a cross-cutting means of supporting the agenda's vision. It is so important that we feel a stronger statement could be made in paragraph 15. We propose that the following language be added: [Increased access to information and knowledge, underpinned by universal literacy, is an essential pillar of sustainable development] [We recognize access to information as a key condition for citizen participation, transparency and accountability]
Thank you for your consideration.
What IFLA's doing
IFLA has been continuously engaging in the UN process on the post2015 development agenda and has been bringing the voice of our members as well as of the signatories to the Lyon Declaration to the UN.
Currently, we at IFLA are encouraging our members to engage in their national development plans to ensure access to information and libraries are recognised as vital partners.