IFLA-Erklärung zur staatlichen Bereitstellung von Rechtsinformationen im digitalen Zeitalter
12 July 2017
IFLA Statement on Government Provision of Public Legal Information in the Digital Age (2016), translated into German. Prepared by IFLA’s Law Library Section and adopted by the IFLA Governing Board, on 13 December 2016.
The statement draws on principles established in previous declarations and resolutions of IFLA as well as several from other organizations, notably the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is intended to confirm the continued applicability of these principles to public legal information in digital format, and to set out what governments can do to deliver on them.
Translation by: Cornelie Butz / Cathleen Rabe-Rosendahl; Christine Wellems, Leipzig / Hamburg June 2017, see at, https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11064