IFLA extraordinary General Assembly: It’s easier than ever to make your voice heard
27 January 2021
There are now just two weeks to go until IFLA’s extraordinary General Assembly 2021 – a key opportunity for our Members to decide on the future of our Federation. To help you seize this chance, we’ve made it easier than ever to make sure that your views are represented.
Preparations for the meeting – to be held in Melbourne, Australia, on 12 February 2021 at 8am (9pm GMT on 11 February) – are advancing well. But with restrictions still in place in so many parts of the world, it is clear that very few, if any, will be able to attend in person.
This is why, building on the experience of our successful General Assembly 2020, IFLA is committed to offering the possibility to join our meeting remotely.
Under IFLA’s current statutes, remote voting is not possible. In order to make your voice heard, you will therefore need to designate a proxy – someone who can vote on your behalf, in line with your wishes.
This is important! This is the meeting where IFLA’s Members will decide whether to adopt the new Statutes which implement our Governance Review, itself the result of your insights, ideas and energy over the last year and a half.
Fortunately, it has never been easier to do this!
All of IFLA’s member associations and institutions, as well as our Honorary Fellows, have received an email allowing them to choose their proxy via an online form. You can also do this still with the form available on the page for the Convening Notice.
So if you haven’t yet designated your proxy, please remember to do so by our deadline of 12pm CET on 10 February (see what time this is for you). If you are a Member, and have not received an e-mail, please do let us know at [email protected].
I am looking forward to seeing you – virtually – at the meeting!
Kind regards,
Gerald Leitner
Secretary General
The Hague, Netherlands
27 January 2021