IFLA / FAIFE Internet Manifesto project in the Philippines
14 December 2009
On November 10 and 11, FAIFE Committee Member Lily Echiverri and former Committee member Barbara Ford participated in the final workshop of a year-long IFLA Internet Manifesto project in the Philippines.
Like other workshops held recently in Peru and Russia, this was a chance for participants involved in the project to come together and discuss the impact of the workshops they had held in their home districts, and to identify next steps for the project in the Philippines in 2010.
33 Filipino librarians participated in this workshop but over the course of the year the cascade training method used reached 2,300 participants in sixteen regions of the country. Congratulations and thanks from the FAIFE Committee go out to the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) on this amazing achievement. An interim report on the November workshop can be found here, and a full report is expected in 2010.