IFLA MLAS + IFLA Strategy: Engaging our membership
26 March 2021
Closely aligned to the IFLA Key Initiative 4.3 “Increase, diversify and engage our membership” IFLA’s Management of Library Associations Section addresses the needs and promotes interests of all types and sizes of library associations, wherever they are, and brings together staff, elected leaders and representatives of these associations to:
- foster and improve leadership skills;
- share experiences;
- develop useful publications and to offer workshops, seminars and programmes that address their needs and interests;
- support IFLA’s Core Programmes;
- advocate within IFLA for the promotion and development of effective library and library association practices worldwide
In order to promote membership engagement and inclusion of a diverse membership from different regions of the world during #IFLAFromHome, IFLA MLAS has expanded its activities. A new webinar series featuring topics of interest to library associations was launched on 14 January 2021 with the first event entitled “MLAS Online-Seminar Library Map of the World: Engagement for Advocacy”.
The event was moderated by Randa Chidiac, MLAS SC member, and featured Halo Locher, Chair of the Management of Library Associations Section, Kristine Paberza-Ramirez, IFLA’s Member Engagement Officer, and Stephen Wyber, IFLA’s Policy and Advocacy Manager, discussing:
- The importance of being well presented on the IFLA’s Library Map of the World (LMW)
- Engagement scenarios for library associations
- Processes behind keeping the LMW data up to date, preparing and curating country profiles
- The 2021 priorities for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stories
- Using the LMW content and resources in library advocacy
Stay tuned for news about the other webinars featuring topics such as:
- Library Associations in COVID-19 Times
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Library Associations
- Social Media for Library Associations
Virtual engagement
MLAS meetings have diversified to include, besides the business meetings, an orientation for corresponding members to introduce them to the Section’s activities and how they can support the Section. During the 2020 holidays, the MLAS Chair coordinated a very special group reading session where members of the MLAS read a story and discussed its content. The format «shared reading» was developed by «The Reader» in Liverpool (GB).
Additionally, MLAS joined CPDWL and IFLA New Professionals SIG for their Meme Contest. Members welcomed the meme created and have expressed interest in creating others.
A sign of the times and that library associations are increasing engagement on social media is that the MLAS Facebook page gained 1,200 more followers this past year during #IFLAFromHome. Daily, librarians from different regions of the world visit the page to learn about news from libraries and library associations from around the world. A beautiful aspect of this is that posts are in different languages, and come from different regions of the globe.
Read more about the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024
How is your library or library association engaging with the IFLA Strategy? Let us know! Post on your social media, using the hashtag #IFLAStrategy and #WeAreIFLA or send an email to Despina Gerasimidou, IFLA’s Strategic Development Officer at [email protected].