IFLA Newsletter, April 2024: The Internet we want Issue
30 April 2024
The message below accompanies the April 2024 edition of the IFLA Newsletter.
IFLA Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 4
Welcome to the April 2024 edition of our newsletter. This month is all about shaping the Internet we want.
For many people around the world, the internet is synonymous with information, with connections to friends and family, and with employment, education, and leisure. The Internet has grown explosively since its launch in 1983, and for all the opportunities it has offered, so too has it raised serious questions about safety, security, equality, and rights.
Who is responsible for determining the rules, policies, standards and practices that shape how the internet is used? How do we ensure that internet governance and platform regulation do not threaten the rights of its users, while still creating a safe and inclusive digital environment?
IFLA argues that library and information professionals have a vital role in shaping and achieving an internet for all—one that keeps people at its centre.
This month’s newsletter will take a deeper look into how IFLA and libraries around the world are helping to create a more people-centered Internet. Learn more about how IFLA is helping libraries address the digital divide and shape policies that promote digital inclusion, well-being and responsible Internet usage among people and youth. Find out how you can get involved in conversations around the upcoming Internet Manifesto Zero-draft.
So much is happening in IFLA’s Professional Units to explore how technology affects the library profession and the way libraries serve their users! From AI to publishing to addressing how information is catagorised online – catch up with different Units and learn more about how they are addressing critical questions for librarians today.
In addition to the stories highlighted, this newsletter offers an exciting update on plans for the IFLA Information Futures Summit. We’re excited to announce that the Summit programme is officially available for viewing on the website! Explore the excellent lineup and learn more about Brisbane and our host country, Australia.
As always, you can also find out about our newest members, and the opportunities you have in the coming month to get involved in IFLA events.
Happy reading! 🛜