IFLA SET + IFLA Strategy: celebrating collaboration
10 December 2020
Closely aligned to the IFLA Key Initiative 3.1 “Provide excellent opportunities for networking and learning” the IFLA Section on Education and Training (IFLA SET) sets an excellent example for working “outside of silos”, by focusing on collaboration and developing collective actions across sectors.
SET’s ultimate goal is to advance the profession through understanding best practices in LIS education. Here are some of their amazing products, resulting from their collective and hard work:
1. Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE): https://bslise.org
In collaboration with the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group and the Library Theory and Research Section, the SET launched the BSLISE Working Group in 2016. Since then, the BSLISE working group was strengthened to involve 35 members from all 5 IFLA regions, representing 19 countries and 18 languages.
The working group is devoted to strengthening the international quality of LIS education, and consequently, the excellence of LIS professional practice. Here are some recent highlights:
Based on key findings from an LIS professional practice survey, BSLISE members coordinated with SET and LTR to advance work on three of recommended White Paper action areas: an LIS schools/programs survey and mapping project, identification of eight Foundational Knowledge Areas (FKAs), and development of LIS education guidelines to update IFLA’s Guidelines for Professional Library/Information Educational Programs – 2012.
- Student spotlight project
This project profiles experiences and views of LIS students from around the world. It emerged out of an internship program with by student members of the iLab, a hands-on learning laboratory at the University of North Carolina (Greensboro, USA).
A more detailed description of the project can be found in an article in the 2020 issue of the IFLA SET Bulletin, 21 (2), pp. 22-28, written by Amanda Thompson.
- LIS Student Library Voices: Global Peer to Peer Dialogue
This joint project was introduced by Albina Krymskaya and her student, Alena Katina, both of the St. Petersburg university of culture (Russia), with BSLISE Intern Alice Herring, an LIS student at the university of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA).
This initiative aims to develop a global student network of LIS students where they can meet each other, learn about each other’s programs, and share their perspectives. The development of this initiative has been opened to the members of the BSLISE Working Group.
2. Webinars
SET launched a Webinar Series for LIS specialists in terms of acquiring professional competences, scheduled monthly.
So far, a 2-day webinar has been held in November 2020 with the theme “Putting Emerging LIS Competencies into Education and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities.” This webinar focused on projects utilizing innovative LIS competencies in education and practice. There were six presentations from 8 countries (Kuwait, Taiwan, France, Peru, USA, China, Italy and Canada). The programme, slides and other materials on this webinar can be found here.
Webinar “Putting emerging LIS competencies into education and practice: challenges and opportunities” Day 1
The next one is being held today: https://www.ifla.org/node/93487
Register to book your seat! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I47xEHslQ6-2zJrhiQC86Q
There are more upcoming projects for LIS professionals and students in 2021. Stay tuned!
Read more about the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024
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