IFLA signs Letter on Financing for Development in the Post-2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals
17 April 2015
IFLA is pleased to announce that it has co-signed a letter on the importance of transparency, accountability and participation in the Financing for Development (FfD) process in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The letter highlights the importance of Transparency, Accountability and Participation (TAP) principles for ensuring effective and accountable governance that will catalyze a transformative financing and UN Post-2015 sustainable development agenda, at all levels.
As set out in the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development, greater availability of quality information, data and the involvement of communities in its creation will provide a fuller, more transparent allocation of resources.
The TAP Network letter proposes the following recommendations for inclusion in the Addis Outcome Document for FfD3 (Third International Conference on Financing for Development):
Full transparency of revenues, allocation, spending, contracting and results data and statistics, at all levels.
- Ensure inclusive and meaningful public participation at all stages of financing and governance processes.
- Promote a common standard for reporting sustainable development resource flows at all levels, and establish a global and national tracking system to report spending and results achieved towards each of the SDGs.
- Ensure effective and accountable institutions and enhance delivery of public goods and services through progressive tax measures and commitments to end illicit financial flows
- Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all its forms and support accountability at all institutional levels.
- Invest in equipping citizens, legislators, public servants, entrepreneurs, and civil society to understand and use financial and development data effectively.
IFLA is a member of the TAP Network.
For more information about IFLA’s work on access to information and the UN post-2015 development framework, visit the IFLA, Libraries and Development website.