The 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) will be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from 6-18 November 2022. This conference will bring policymakers, climate activists, and civil society representing a range of stakeholders together to advance global commitments for addressing the climate crisis.

IFLA is a member of the Climate Heritage Network Steering Committee and as such, we have been actively working throughout 2022 to help put culture on the COP27 agenda. Thanks to our partners in the Climate Heritage Network, especially the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), IFLA is able to take part in the conference to bring the voices of libraries to the discussion.

Find out more about culture at COP27: Culture at COP27: Amplifying Arts, Culture and Heritage Voices Around the 2022 UN Climate Conference.

Climate Empowerment: Count Libraries In!

During COP27, IFLA invites the global library field to call for recognition of libraries as partners in climate education, public awareness, training, public participation, public access to information, and international cooperation – the elements of action for climate empowerment (ACE).

Join your voice and pledge your commitment to continuing to advance the role of libraries in empowering their communities to take climate action, and call on policymakers to recognise the role of libraries and library associations in reaching climate empowerment goals.

Find out more about IFLA’s Pledge for Climate Empowerment here.

Sign the Pledge


We are excited to announce that this year, IFLA is sending its largest-ever delegation to attend COP27 in person!

Library perspectives will be included in both the public “Green” zones and restricted “Blue” zones, where IFLA will join Climate Heritage Network’s delegation to participate in official COP27 proceedings and side events.

  • IFLA Headquarters staff member Claire McGuire will help represent the Climate Heritage Network in the Blue Zone for the first week of COP27
  • Marwa El Sahn, member of IFLA’s Regional Division for the Middle East and North Africa Committee will participate in events in the Green Zone and in a special culture programme at the Sharm el Sheikh Museum
  • Heba Ismail, member of IFLA’s Regional Division for the Middle East and North Africa Committee, will participate in events in the Green Zone and help represent the Climate Heritage Network in the Blue Zone during the thematic day on Youth & Future Generations (10 November).

The Agenda

IFLA is organising several side events during COP27, which will feature library perspectives as well as those from other cultural institutions and organisations.

Blue Zone Event

Accelerating Implementation of the Glasgow Work Programme on ACE through Cooperation, Collaboration, and Partnership: Stakeholder dialogues on culturally informed and people-centred approaches 

  • When: Wednesday, November 9, 2022
  • This dialogue will focus on how partnerships with culture, arts, and nature-based civil society stakeholders can help policymakers implement culturally-informed and people-centred approaches to ACE. It will explore gaps and conceptualise modalities for greater coordination across the four priority areas of the Glasgow Work Programme. More information here.

Green Zone Side Event

Culture, Heritage, and the Arts Accelerating Climate Empowerment: Partnering with the culture sector to implement ACE

  • When: Thursday, 10 November
  • This public Green Zone Side Event will highlight good practices from a range of cultural stakeholders and share diverse examples of how cultural actors can help translate the priority areas of ACE into practical actions to inspire others. More information here.
  • Heba Ismail will join the panel to provide insight into how libraries help create and enhance access to tools and support for building capacity and awareness raising on ACE.

Climate Education Student Workshop

Contre le changement climatique : ateliers arts et jeux

Workshop flyer

  • When: Thursday, 10 November
  • Organised by Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Centre d’Activités Francophones, Ecole Française de Sharm el Sheikh, Université Senghor
  • Offered through Climate Heritage Network’s Francophone Committee, Marwa El Sahn will help lead this workshop with students from the Ecole Française de Sharm el Sheikh and visiting students from the Université Senghor to explore various aspects of climate action with youth and young learners.

#ArtCultureHeritageCOP27 at the Sharm el-Sheik Museum

  • The event is being held under the patronage of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities with the support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The programme will feature panels, assemblies and breakouts, as well as performances and more.
  • The programme includes an event moderated by Marwa El Sahn titled “Climate Education for all: Linking Culture, Education, and Climate Empowerment”.
  • The full day event will showcase the power of culture to bring people together for transformative climate action. More information here.

These events will help inform ongoing advocacy related to Action for Climate Empowerment, and could be considered as a basis for a future workshop or expanded dialogue series during the next Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment in June 2023.

Climate Heritage Network Resources for COP27 Engagement

COP27 provides a moment for a global reflection on actions that are already underway, and actions that can be stepped up, in addressing the climate emergency. The Climate Heritage Network has provided a multitude of resources to help you get involved anywhere in the world with COP27 and increase your engagement in climate action.

  1. Explore the Climate Heritage Network Key Issues for COP27. These issues align with each of the COP27 thematic days.
  2. Engage on social media: Climate Heritage Network has created open-source issue cards to help you engage on each of the COP27 Thematic Days. Find and download them here. Note the card for 15 November on Education, Training and Public Awareness.
  3. Sign the Climate Heritage Network Manifesto for COP27: Imagining and Realising Climate Resilient Futures: The Power of Arts, Culture and Heritage to Accelerate Climate Action. Available in Spanish, English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese.

Questions or comments? Get in touch: Claire McGuire ([email protected])