IFLA Trend Report Update
15 August 2016
The IFLA Trend Report, released in 2013, identified the drivers of transformation in the global information environment.
Covering access to information, education, privacy, new forms of digital engagement and technological transformation, it has provided the catalyst for intensive debate and discussion in the worldwide library community.
Now, after over sixty events in thirty countries spread across all continents, and translation into fourteen languages, the Trend Report 2016 Update shares the results of these discussions. It builds on the experience, insights and imagination of IFLA’s members, adding a new layer of understanding.
To give just a few examples, librarians in Africa and Latin American highlighted questions around connectivity, while those in Europe reflected on the potential of eLending. North American librarians looked at the digital role libraries can play in their communities, and those in Asia and Oceania considered forming new partnerships with online education providers.
The update also fulfils the original mission of the Report to be just the starting point for ongoing reflection. It highlights questions which were barely on the horizon in 2013, such as Blockchain technologies or 3D printing, as well as underlining the importance of redefining the role of libraries, ensuring investment in skills and improving coordination in the sector.
The Trend Report Bibliography has also been updated with 60 new resources.
We encourage IFLA Members to take a look, to use the update for organising their own debates, and to let us know where your discussions take you.