#IFLAFromHome: Engaging with IFLA, Wherever You Are
12 May 2020
The COVID-19 Pandemic has seen so much energy and inventiveness from libraries as they work to continue to fulfil their missions. In line with our Strategy, IFLA in turn is working hard to support its members. With our new #IFLAFromHome series, will be sharing tools, ideas and resources so you can benefit from being part of a strong and united global library field.
With libraries around the world obliged to close their doors for the safety of both users and staff, the last weeks have seen a major shift towards providing services at distance. Library and information workers have shown both resilience and creativity in finding ways to ensure that their communities can benefit from services at home.
From greater investment in electronic content to distributing computers and WiFi hotspots, and activities such as online storytimes and public debates, libraries have shown themselves more than ready to face and overcome challenges.
IFLA too has been affected by the pandemic, with the World Library and Information Congress – the most international event in the library calendar – not taking place for the first time in 74 years.
However, despite the disappointment of not being able to meet in person in August, the good news is that IFLA is open all-year-round, bringing benefits to our Members and the profession and providing opportunities for engagement.
Through the work of our Professional Units and Headquarters team, and guided by our Strategy, we are always working to provide opportunities to share, learn and develop, as well as to advocate for libraries at all levels. There are so many tools, ideas and resources that you can draw on, including from home.
In order to highlight all of these possibilities, we are therefore launching #IFLAFromHome. Under this banner, we will share ideas and resources through social media and e-mail that help you to get involved in IFLA.
IFLA’s Secretary General Gerald Leitner, said: ‘IFLA is committed to inspiring, engaging, enabling and connecting the global library field, even in difficult times. With new and exciting initiatives on the way to deliver our Strategy, building on the wealth of materials IFLA has already produced, it’s easy to make the most of IFLA from home.’
Look out for tools and materials on how you can help implement the IFLA Strategy, ideas on how to get involved in the global field, memories of past Congresses, and tools and other reports that can help you in your work! Simply keep an eye on our social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram), follow the hashtags #WeAreIFLA and #IFLAStrategy, or wait for update e-mails through our IFLA-L mailing list.