Impact of IFLA on Promotion change and Diffusing Professional Norms in Libraries: The Findings
20 June 2013
In an effort to bring closure to a 2004-2006 IFLA supported LTR research project, Heidi Kristin Olsen and Terry Weech with the assistance of the original project director, Ragnar Audunson of Oslo, Norway, undertook the task of recovering the papers submitted as part of the IFLA LTR project. Some of the papers are in draft form. Some have been published in other venues, but the intention of this effort is to provide a single source where most of the documents submitted in response to the project entitled “AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ROLE OF IFLA IN PROMOTING CHANGE AND DIFFUSING PROFESSIONAL NORMS IN LIBRARIES WITH A WEIGHT ON NORMS; STANDARDS AND POLICIES RELATED TO LIFELONG LITERACY”
The compilation that resulted is now available : the Findings.
Comments or questions may be sent to either Heidi Kristin Olsen ([email protected]) and Terry Weech ([email protected])