Internet Governance Forum 2014: IFLA talks copyright, public access, and local content
01 September 2014
The 9th Internet Governance Forum takes place this week in Istanbul at a time when Internet Governance experts are debating how best to shape the future of the Internet.
IFLA is attending the IGF for the 7th time, and will bring the library perspective to workshops on access to local content, copyright, and public access to ICTs. IFLA will also convene the third meeting of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, where the findings of recent library-led workshops in Nigeria and El Salvador will be presented, and updates on libraries’ engagement at the post-2015 development agenda – including the launch of the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development – will be discussed.
Since the NetMundial conference held in Sao Paolo in April, and the production of a roadmap for the implementation of a set of principles to guide the Internet’s development, the Internet Governance Forum now finds itself as just one of a number of global initiatives discussing how the Internet might develop over the coming years. Discussions on the IGF’s future role in this situation will be intense.
While the IGF does not make concrete recommendations, for the first time a number of best practice forums have been held ahead of the meeting in order to create documents for discussion in Istanbul. IFLA has been closely involved in the production of a best practice document on creating an enabling environment for the production of local content. Library and information professionals are invited to comment on the document through the IGF Review platform.
How can you get involved
As always, the IGF is also available for remote participation, and all sessions are livestreamed. While the schedule contains many tracks of interest to library and information professionals, IFLA recommends the following sessions at this year’s event:
Tuesday 2nd September
- Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, 09.00 – 10.30 report of the workshop video
- Setting the Scene, Topical Insight and Debate Related to the Subthemes of IGF2014, 11.00-12.30
- Best Practice Forum on Creating an Enabling Environment for the Production of Local Content, 11.00 – 12.30