Just published: three new IFLA publications from De Gruyter
19 August 2015
Three new books in the IFLA Publications series celebrate the broad spectrum of IFLA’s activities.
Linked data and user interaction, edited by Frank Cervone and Lars Svensson, demonstrates the enormous benefits that can be reaped when library data is opened and linked to museums, research networks and the whole body of literature.
Global Action on School Library Guidelines, edited by Barbara Schulz-Jones and Dianne Oberg, marks the release of the second edition of the Guidelines themselves and highlights the different issues faced worldwide and the solutions found in drawing children into the world of intelligent reading – a task made more complex by the diversity of modern information. The changing information world also means libraries need new spaces that work for them.
The best way to ensure this is to critically evaluate those spaces and to draw the lessons.
Post-occupancy Evaluation of Library Buildings, edited by Karen Latimer and Dorothea Sommer, to be published just after the congress, does just that, with a wealth of illustrations and a practical evaluation questionnaire in four languages.
From buildings, to data, to the actual act of reading, these new IFLA Publications bring alive the vibrancy and breadth of IFLA’s interests.
If you have a potential book proposal, contact the series editor Michael Heaney at [email protected].