Library and Research Services for Parliaments: innovation and inspiration during a global pandemic December 2 and 9, 2020 Materials now Online
07 February 2021
IFLA’s Library and Research Services for Parliaments section conducted a two-part virtual event Library and Research Services for Parliaments: innovation and inspiration during a global pandemic on December 2 and 9, 2020.
Colleagues gathered online for a series of short and engaging lightning talks about the impact, challenges, changes and innovations experienced and made by their services during the months of the COVID-19 pandemic, including a presentation on the IFLAPARL survey on the response of library and research services for parliaments to the challenges posed by the global health pandemic. Participants actively engaged in a moderated Q&A periods during the program.
The section organized two sessions to ensure broad participation. Though the theme of each session was the same, each session featured a different roster of speakers.
The presentations and video recordings of both sessions are now online.