Dear friends,

Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you well and in good health.

It is another new year and another new edition of the IFLA Asia and Oceania Regional Newsletter. We received a bountiful collection of outstanding articles for this edition and our heartfelt appreciation to all the contributors. From the innovative services introduced at libraries and community outreaches to the opening of new library spaces and the discovery of valuable library resources, we trust that these articles will resonate with you, offering valuable insights and reigniting the appreciation for the significant role libraries play in our communities.

IFLA has thoughtfully compiled a calendar of Key Advocacy Dates, inviting members to be part of the conversation on the importance of libraries, across government and society at large. We encourage all to actively participate in the conversation. On this note, if you are interested to attend the Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) this year, it is held in Taipei on 20 to 23 August 2024. Do also look out for the report on IFLA activities at the 2023 Internet Governance Forum in Kyoto, Japan, in the next issue.

Do also book your calendar for The Information Futures Summit from 30 September to 2 October 2024 in Brisbane, Australia. This event is focused on bringing the energy, expertise and rich diversity of the library field together to find solutions to the information challenges we face today. Bookmark the Summit website for more information – this will be updated as new details are confirmed, and we will communicate regularly with our members, volunteers and the wider field as speakers are announced. We strongly encourage the colleagues in the Asia and Oceania region to actively participate in this Summit and look forward to meet you all in person.


Contributed by Michelle Lau, Manager, IFLA Regional Office for Asia and Oceania.