Mobilising Libraries for Digital Skills Delivery
09 December 2020
IFLA’s new research into digital skills strategies highlights examples of where governments have recognised the role of libraries in helping people become more competent, confident internet users. It provides examples to use in advocacy for library inclusion in such policy documents.
While giving everyone the possibility to get online is essential for meaningful digital inclusion, it is increasingly clear that it may not be enough.
Faced with the wealth of information and opportunities that the internet and digital tools provide, the skills and confidence to use them effectively are essential.
IFLA, alongside other library organisations, has long argued that libraries can play a powerful role in delivering connectivity and skills, as well as content.
In a new paper published today, IFLA looks across strategies and other policy documents prepared by governments, in order to identify how and where this potential is recognised.
The paper highlights how, in developed and developing countries alike, libraries are seen as part of the digital skills infrastructure, providing or supporting a wide range of training.
The paper is designed to be used by libraries and library associations in your own advocacy.
You can draw on it to underline how other governments have already integrated libraries into their work, and make the case for your government to do the same.
Access the publication on our publications page.