New IFLA ARL travel grant now awarded for WLIC 2016 in Columbus, Ohio
18 February 2016
The IFLA Academic & Research Libraries (ARL) Section is delighted to share the news that our grant assessment team have decided to offer the WLIC Congress attendance grant generously sponsored by Sage and Ex Libris to attend WLIC Congress in Columbus, Ohio in August to the following three successful applicants from three different regions. They are:
- Sarika Sawant from India,
- Wadzanai Ndlovu from Zimbabwe, and
- Vilarino Margarita Bellas from Cuba.
Sarika, Wadzanai, and Vilarino Margarita have accordingly registered to attend the Congress.
We’ll be delighted to meet them during the Congress and encourage them to enjoy all aspects of this exciting event.
We always make sure we publicise Sage and Ex Libris’ sponsorship widely.
We are grateful for their generous sponsorship and hope they will continue to sponsor the grant to first time WLIC Congress attendees in the future.
Kind regards,
Vicki McDonald
Chair, IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section