New IFLA Headquarters staff member: It’s a New Professional!
04 May 2010
As of 1 April, Federica Marangio is the new Advocacy Support Officer at IFLA Headquarters. Recently graduated from the International Master’s Program in Digital Library Learning (DILL) and very experienced in the international LIS scene, she perfectly represents the New Professionals’ view in the very heart of IFLA.
Within the scope of her new position Federica will, amongst others, undertake IFLA’s advocacy activities, carry out research to support IFLA’s advocacy positions, communicate it to the IFLA membership and wider society and monitor relevant movements, international conventions, treaties, activities of international organizations and policy initiatives that may affect the environment in which libraries carry out their work. Her fields of interest also include knowledge management, internationalization of education and New Professionals.
Congratulations and all the best for your upcoming work, Federica!