New year and a renewed Newsletter
20 January 2015
A very good new year for everyone!
Welcome to read the renewed format of collecting news and uppdates of Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults. The Newsletter has served well, now it’s time to publish its content directly here on IFLA site. This means that the articles and news will be more easily accessible and searchable, and present on social media.
We are continuing with themed articles, this time deepening the discussion from Lyon WLIC, namely how libraries can create content with users. What added value that brings to the library and young people? What medias and methods can be used? And of course, what can we learn from other’s experiences? Hopefully you enjoy reading the articles.
As for other news regarding to Section, we will be publishing posts on Facebook, our mailing list and also using this IFLA web site more efficiently. Stay in touch and take part of the conversation!
So, here you are: the 1st online Newsletter.
Best regards
Ulla Pötsönen
Info Coordinator, IFLA Section Libraries for Chidren and Young Adults