Next events in Cataloguing
09 September 2021
Check these next events related to Cataloguing:
- RDA in Europe (EURIG); September 14th, online, free, registration required.
- National Libraries Now (CENL) (16-17 September, online); free, registration needed.
- BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, Annual Meeting, (September, 21-23, online); free, registration required.
- SWIB21 Online Conference – 13th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference 29 November – 03 December 2021.
- Cuarto Coloquio sobre RDA en América Latina y Caribe (4th Workshop on RDA in Latin America and the Caribbean); October, 27-29, online, in Spanish; free, registration required.
Missing an event? Write to the IFLA Cataloguing Section‘s Information Coordinator or to our Twitter account