Now available: Data, Stories and more with Country Pages from the IFLA Library Map of the World
25 August 2018
The IFLA Library Map of the World, launched one year ago at WLIC 2017 in Wrocław, addresses the critical need of the library field to have basic information about the state of libraries and the overall library landscape in countries around the world.
All about Libraries
The Library Map of the World started as an initiative to collect and visualise basic library statistics. Now it has grown beyond simply providing data and even past being a resource for accessing library-related UN Sustainable Development (SDG) stories.
The new functionality – Country Pages – was officially launched today at WLIC 2018 in Kuala Lumpur. This new feature of the Library Map of the World website will provide its users with the opportunity to easily learn all about the library landscape in a selected country.
The world library landscape at a glance
Each Country Page will contain a concise overview of the library environment, including its: library system, governance and funding models, development and policy priorities, and recent achievements in the library field. In addition, Country Pages will provide details of national library associations, national libraries, policy-making institutions, and library support organisations as well as information about library policy and legislations, education and events.
Engage and Advocate
To fill the website’s new section of COUNTRIES with essential information, IFLA is collaborating with its content partners (national library associations, national libraries and other institutions) across the world. Country Pages will be reviewed annually and new content will be added and updated on an regular basis.
Contribute information to your national library association and ensure the information on your country’s page is relevant and up-to-date.
The Library Map of the World team looks forward to working with you in creating the Country Pages a useful resource for the library community, stakeholders and more.
We continue to seek your feedback and engagement to put more countries on the map and to increase the data and evidence that will strengthen our combined advocacy efforts.
Bookmark the Library Map of the World as your essential advocacy tool!