Now Available: Learning materials for workshops on Public Access to Health Information Through Libraries
09 March 2010
FAIFE is pleased to announce the launch of learning materials for workshops on Public Access to Health Information Through Libraries. The materials have been developed by FAIFE in cooperation with many partners including IFLA Health and Biosciences Section; Phi (Partnerships in Health Information); a working group of Cuban librarians under the leadership of Professor Marta Terry; and East African chapters of AHILA (The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa).
The idea for a programme was first discussed at a meeting called by FAIFE at IFLA Headquarters in The Hague in October 2008, which drew up a specification for the materials. The first draft of the Learning Materials was created in Cuba in the first half of 2009. Pilot Workshops were held in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Kampala and Jimma (Ethiopia) in August 2009. The final version was completed on the basis of the lessons learned from the pilots in December 2009.
These learning materials will now form part of the suite of training workshops available through the Building Strong Library Associations (BSLA) training programme or the small projects funded through IFLA’s ALP programme.
For more information, and to download the learning materials in PowerPoint and PDF format, click here