NPSIG Music Contest 2021: sing a song and send it to us!
25 May 2021
Every librarian who likes singing and would like to show how libraries are important, needs to record a song and send it to the IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group. You can also invite your patrons and together prepare a video clip to the song. Sounds interesting? Let’s look for more info below.
Important details:
- a song should lasts to 5 minutes
- it can be a sound composition and/or music video (video clip)
- participation is free
- lyrics might be in your mother tongue but translation in English is needed
- deadline: June 15, 2021
- send a song to address: [email protected]
Everything about the contest you can find on the special website: https://npsigmusiccontest.
Here, there are invitations to libraries and general info about the contest in English, Polish, French, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Arabic and Turkish. Feel free to share materials with your colleagues!